Mixed type node
Validators provide UniLayer transaction security by participating in UniLayer Consensus.
Validator nodes earn UniLayer’s native ULR tokens as a reward for participating in the UniLayer network.
Collators act as native nodes in partner networks.
They collect information in partner chains, generate draft blocks using signed blocks, and create messages that UniLayer’s validators use for confirmation.
Collators from other networks are able to earn UniLayer’s native ULR tokens as a reward for participating in the UniLayer network cross-chain activities. Deploying embedded UniLayer nodes on top of an existing infrastructure allows providers to get rewards for cross-chain transactions validation.
Collators are an integral part of the LogiX - a cross-chain control logic layer that can integrate and direct smart contracts across multiple blockchains.
Mixed Type Node
Mixed Type Nodes combine the functions of Validators and Collators. They not only participate at the transfer level but also add an augmented layer of security thanks to the uDPOS algorithm they use.
MTNs ensure true decentralization, providing the highest possible level of cross-chain transaction security.
Once deployed on top of an existing partners' chain infrastructure, MNTs generate additional reward in native ULR tokens.
Join the UniLayer advantages
Want to participate in UniLayer? Got any questions? Let's get in touch
I want to know more
  • Is staking UniLayer coins the only requirement to become a validator?
    The maximum number of validators is limited, so you also need to wait until a vacant spot appears.
  • Which type of consensus does UniLayer use?
    User Delegated Proof of Stake (uDPoS)
  • Can any validator on a supported blockchain become a UniLayer validator?
    Yes. You need to create a mixed type node for this.
  • What are the conditions of becoming a collator?
    A minimal required stake (10,000 ULR) and a free collator spot for the desired network.
  • Can I create a collator based on an existing node in another network?
    Yes, you can.
  • Can a collator be a light node in UniLayer or an integrated network?
    It can be a UniLayer light node, but not an integrated network's light node.
  • Can a UniLayer collator be a validator in an integrated network?
    Yes, and this is the best case scenario.
  • What are the benefits of a mixed type node compared to an assembly of a separate collator and validator?
    A minimal stake amount of tokens have to be frozen twice for a collator and validator assembly.
  • Can an already existing collator or validator be upgraded to a mixed type node?
  • Are there any technical limitations to using MTN?
    The server needs to be able to store and process all networks planned to work with.

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