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UniLayer launches TestNet

June, 06, 2022

 The UniLayer project reached a major milestone by launching TestNet, a test version of the proposed UniLayer network.

The TestNet features full capabilities of a UniLayer environment plus some additional troubleshooting addons. It is required to trace some final bugs and further optimize the system before the MainNet of UniLayer is launched.

TestNet software is delivered to testers on demand and is available for Mac, Linux and Microsoft Windows platforms. You can join it by filling up the form . At this stage, setting up the wallet requires the skill of operating these systems marginally above average (like opening a terminal window and typing commands from a manual in some cases), bundles coming in the immediate future will be as easy and convenient to use, as any contemporary end user application. The existing packages already allow the installation of the UniLayer wallet app entirely via the OS GUI.

The UniLayer team is working hard to fulfill our mission — to create a world where cross-chain transactions are seamless, secure and infinitely scalable.


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