Unilayer.io (https://unilayer.io/) has a single Privacy Policy covering all products and services offered, including but not limited to our downloadable tools, Cloud Services, Website, Surveys, and Marketing Campaigns.

Some of the services we provide, such as Marketing Campaigns, our Website, E-Shop, etc., make use of Third-Party Services outlined below.

For information about news regarding Third-Party Services, please refer to Notification On New Third-Party Services.

Formspree - https://formspree.io/

Google Analytics - https://analytics.google.com/

Reaching out

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by contacting  hello@unilayer.io

We use cookies on our website to improve user experience and analyze website traffic. By clicking 'Read and accept' button, you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Privacy Policy, Cookie policy, Third-Party Services and Terms of Use.

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