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Public TestNet is live

August, 28, 2022

The UniLayer TestNet is open for participation! The Dev Team has begun distributing binaries and settings files among those who have applied for the open beta-test. The demand for a spot in the test has far exceeded the Dev Team’s expectations, with more than 2000 applying for the TestNet software package. 

The participants have access to the core features of UniLayer, with the ability to run nodes, deploy smart contracts and use a faucet which provides them with UniLayer-native tULR tokens used in the UL protocol. Solidity developers can launch their smart contracts on the platform easily thanks to UniLayer being EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)-compatible.

The next phase of the plan is MetaMask and then Etherium integration, which would expand the reach of Solidity-based smart contracts greatly, further advancing the significance of this test. This step is designed to go hand-in-hand with the upcoming Ethereum 2.0 update, cumulatively enhancing the potential positive impact of UniLayer on cross-chain smart contracts’ applications.


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